Yudu 3 Pack Ink, Pastel


Yudu 3 Pack Ink, Pastel
You Save : $5.72 (26%)
Yudu 3 Pack Ink, Pastel

Product Capabilities

  • Screen-printing ink for Yudu machine
  • Contains pink, lavender and sky ink
  • Contains 3 ounce bottle of each and every color
  • Lengthy lasting once heat set
  • Nontoxic water-based ink

Item Description

Yudu inks are water based, nontoxic, and quick to clean up, so you can spend your time creating, not cleansing. They are wonderful for apparel and other fabric items and offer you good coverage for opaque images. Apparel with Yudu inks can be washed once the inks have been effectively heat set, and the inks are long lasting. Contains three ounce bottles of pink, lavender, and sky ink.
You Save : $5.72 (26%)
Yudu 3 Pack Ink, Pastel

Consumer Critiques

I honestly like the YUDU program for the fact that they make everything so hassle-free and much less intimidating for silk screen newbies such as myself.
My gripe is that the value points for all of their inks are completely ridiculous. yudu 62-5006 three-Pack Ink Pastel Don't decide to buy the Yudu brand inks -- rather shop about at a nearby art or craft store for silk-screen inks for your projects (whether the ink be for fabric or other surfaces). if you aren't certain of what kind to order -- ask a clerk. A great number of of them are art students/artists who know the craft. Some nearby chain craft shops will supply the Yudu inks at half off with a coupon (~$11). Even at that value, these are probably 2x as significantly as equivalent items. The colors are nice and the consistency is probable whats top for the screens made for the YUDU screens and compact program. (just like the emulsion sheets). It's still not worth the trade-off in value.
My recommendation is that YUDU users use the black ink and solutions that come with the YUDU initial set-up and get comfortable doing so. Then, commence testing out other named brand but much less expensive goods (inks, emulsions etc.) The Yudu fan, timers and lighting technique are still of excellent use and you stand to save a LOT of dollars.

You Save : $5.72 (26%)
Yudu 3 Pack Ink, Pastel

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